Vision & Mission
- To provide Student Centered Learning Environment that facilitates transference of information and to cater to the needs of its users to access it.
- To implement innovative services to the users of the library.
- To provide well equipped and functional physical spaces where users can pursue learning independently beyond the classroom
- To provide comprehensive resources and services in Research and Teaching-Learning process.
- To facilitate to assess the knowledge at the right time in the right manner.
- Create cordial physical and virtual environment for Teaching- Learning and Research.
- Provide knowledge and technological resources to enhance learning.
- To enhance the reading and writing skills in the languages.
- To develop the social and human values.
- To nurture the creative hobbies.

- To provide the library resources for needed users.
- To increase the number of students who receive information literacy instruction.
- To gain the knowledge of current affairs.
- To enhance the reading habit by reading the literature.
- To create an enjoyable atmosphere for the users.